Plot |
Beautiful, Dangerous, And Desperate For Work...
Maia is having a very bad day. Her life-long dreams to join the elite Ocean Agency wither and die, when, despite everyone's high expectations, she fails the entrance exams. Then, with the loss of her student status, she gets evicted! Penniless, homeless, and unemployed, Maia finds herself in the middle of a shoot-out between fugitive convicts and the Nereides- sexy agents who only take the most high-paying and dangerous jobs. Desperate, Maia takes the first job offered to her: to take a starring role in the next Nereides operation- as bait!
Ep.1: Maia's Longest Day (part 1) Ep.2: Maia's Longest Day (part 2) Ep.3: There's No Business Like Nereids Business? Ep.4: Chaka Chaka Bang Bang |