Plot |
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles - The Complete Campaigns is a groundbreaking science-fiction adventure series. In a masterful retelling of executive producer Paul Verhoeven's hit feature film Starship Troopers, this series features state-of-the-art 3-D CGI computer animation, as well as photo galleries and four bonus episodes in a four-disc set. Based on the novel by Robert Heinlein, the series follows the adventures of Rico, Carmen and Carl, a trio of high school buds as they become members of Lieutenant Razak's "Roughnecks." These unsung heroes are unaware that the battle of the bugs is about to re-erupt, sending them to the front lines of the first Interstellar War.
Disc 1: The Pluto Campaign The Hydora Campaign
Disc 2: The Tophet Campaign The Tesca Campaign
Disc 3: The Zephyr Campaign The Klendathu Campaign
Disc 4: Trackers The Homefront Campaign Bonus Episodes |