Plot |
Vengeance...Magic...Monsters...Danger! The Thrilling Adventure Continues.
"Retribution is at hand. Nothing can keep me from it," warns evil Damodar. "The specter of death does not daunt me, for I am already dead." After centuries, the fearsome corpse creature comes to dreadful life, armed with a black orb of such awesome power that he can exact his revenge on the Empire of Izmer, home to the descendants of those who vanquished him. This sequel to Dungeons & Dragons, based on the popular role-playing game, fills the screen with amazing visual effects of spectral ghouls, disabled traps, thundering armies, and huge winged dragons. The story follows five champions of Izmer who must perform prodigious feats of brain, brawn and sorcery to capture the orb. Be vigilant. Be bold. The quest begins - let no one turn back. |